You are the sunshine of my life

(Stevie Wonder) 
B                                                                    C

° = dim = små terser (i detta fall räcker det att sänka kvinten ett halvt)
+ = plus = stora terser (i detta fall räcker det att höja kvinten ett halvt)

OBS! |7m|3d |6d | låter likadant som |2  |5  |1  | så det är egentligen ett tonartsbyte (6d blir ny 1a) fast bara i två takter.


You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning
Though I've loved you for a million years
And if I thought our love was ending
I'd find myself drowning in my own tears

|1   |1   |5+ |5+ |

|1   |2/4|3   |3°  |
|2   |5   |1   |2 5 |
|1   |2/4|3   |3°  |
|2   |5   |1   |2 5 |

|1   |4   |1   |4   |
|1   |4   |7m|3d |
|6d |2d |6   |6   |
|2d |2d |5   |5   |

You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

You must have known that I was lonely
Because you came to my rescue
And I know that this must be heaven
How could so much love be inside of you?
